Wednesday, March 23, 2011

unChristian, Part Three: Antihomosexual

When I first read the title of this chapter, I was a bit confused. The page clearly stated that being "antihomosexual" was a wrong perception for Christians to give off, much like the "hypocritical" and "conversion-obsessed" labels I discussed last. I really thought I was supposed to be antihomosexual, but I was reading it incorrectly. Yes, the act of homosexuality is a sin, but that doesn't make the person committing the sin any worse than anyone else. Christians are supposed to be antihomosexuality, not antihomosexual. This is a subtle difference in wording that makes a huge difference in reality.

First, allow me to prove that homosexuality is a sin. This is a debated topic, and it really shouldn't be. In Genesis, we see that Sodom was annihilated, partially because most of the men in town were engaged in homosexual acts. Throughout Paul's letters in the New Testament, we see him mention that homosexuality is a sin. It is beyond clear that God intended sex to be between a man and woman.

This, however, does not give those of us that are heterosexual a right to feel "more righteous" or "more like God designed me." Oh, no. You are so wrong.

"Don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don't fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people--none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God." -1 Corinthians 6:9-10, New Living Translation

BOOM. 1 Corinthians 6 just leveled the playing field. Yes, homosexuality is listed. So is theft. Maybe you haven't ever stolen anything. Ever been greedy? Drunk? Abusive? Ever cheated someone? If you said yes to any one of those things, which I would wager that we all will say yes to at least one, then you are on the same level of sinfulness as a person committing homosexuality. You are no more righteous or God-like than a male prostitute. Is your mind blown? Do you feel less holy? Good. Get off the high horse. All who call themselves Christians, myself included, must get off of our self-constructed pedestal and accept people. It is only through God's grace that we breathe each breath, much less get offered an eternity praising Him.

Am I saying to ignore their sin? No. All sin must be addressed, but you should do so in a Godly, loving manner. Don't be Westboro Baptist Church, yelling and protesting. Jesus didn't host protests; He loved on people that the religious people were "too holy" to love. Samaritans, sexually active women, thieves, traitors, liars; Christ loved them all. He showed them love and respect, and in turn, told them how to correct their lives.

You know the old saying, "Hate the sin, love the sinner?" How often do you practice that? Are you on a pedestal of holiness, or are you loving on the people that need love, regardless of the sins they commit?

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