Tuesday, January 22, 2013

An Eternal Kingdom

"...and He will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; His kingdom will never end.” -Luke 1:33, NIV

Kings and queens, once upon a time, were all over the earth. They had empires and knights and such. Yet, eventually, every king and queen's reign comes to an end. Perhaps they are overthrown by challengers to the throne, killed in battle, or maybe they just get old and die. Regardless, no earthly king has ever reigned forever.

Nowadays, kings aren't so common. Instead, others have "kingdoms:" Apple, Starbucks, money, sex, relationships, McDonald's, politics, alcohol, etc. The list could go on for days, seriously. Almost anything or anyone on this earth has the capability to reign in a kingdom of sorts. But, just like the actual kings of the past, all of this will end someday.

There will come a day when there are no more Salted Caramel Mochas (which I hope happens once I'm gone), no more iPhones, no more Twitter or Facebook (remember Myspace? Me either.). There will even come a day when money will not matter, and politics will be irrelevant and relationships and sex and everything else under the sun will be pointless.
"'Meaningless! Meaningless!'
    says the Teacher.
'Utterly meaningless!
Everything is meaningless.'"
-Ecclesiastes 1:2, NIV

Yet, there will never come a day when Jesus Christ isn't reigning. He was there in the beginning when the earth was formed, He's ruling right now, and will be King forever and ever and ever. No one will ever overthrow Him. No one will kill Him in battle. He will never grow too old to reign.

The question is this: how do you respond to His eternal kingship? Which kingdom will you fight and live and breathe for? Will you bow before the kingdoms of earth: the pursuit of hedonistic pleasure in unimportant, shallow things, or will you lift up the Kingdom of God: the pursuit of pleasure in our eternal Lord and King of everything?

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