Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I want to start out by thanking Rachel Rummell again for being a guest blogger last week. I have been in contact with several others since, so hopefully this blog will have other new voices join mine from time to time. Today, however, you have me again.

Have you ever heard the saying, "what goes around, comes around?" This theme is all over the world. Buddhists believe in karma, and that doing good things will cause good things to happen to you. It's the boomerang effect, right? Today, I'll show that while the Bible doesn't necessarily line up with Buddhism, there is a theme that is quite similar. Let's look at Proverbs 11:25.

"25 A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." -Proverbs 11:25, NIV

It says that if you will give, you will be given. I'm not saying that doing good automatically makes you eligible for material possessions (See: Avoiding the Feel Good Fever). The Bible is instead saying that to those who give generously, God will bless them generously. It may very well be material blessing. It may be interior blessing. Regardless, you will never give generously out of faithfulness to God and receive no compensation for it. I've experienced this myself; the more you're willing to give, the more God will bless you.

Some of you may think I'm talking only about money. Sure, money is an option. But that's not all we have to give. We also have time, passion, energy, and other things that are less tangible than money, but equally as giveable. Look at the end of that verse: "whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." You can simply refresh someone: send them a nice note or text, smile at them, or buy them a Coke. It doesn't have to be something big. Most people can be refreshed by simple things. And that's not all: refreshing them also refreshes you!

When you make someone smile, you smile too. When someone is having a bad day and you can lift them up, it lifts you up, too. It's a cycle that can never end, if kept up. Do you know of anyone that needs refreshing today? Or perhaps you need refreshing. It only takes one person to start the refreshment cycle. Will it be you today?

Below is a video that just screams this principle. It's a commercial that shows exactly what I'm saying.

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