Monday, February 20, 2012

What's Better Than the Daytona 500 for a Redneck?

I've recently been listening to Craig Groeschel (pastor at in Oklahoma) and his "Better" series. In the series, he has been looking at verses that say something is "better" than something else. Today, I'd like to share one of the verses he looked at in the series, and talk a bit about it.

"For a day in your courts is better
than a thousand elsewhere.
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
than dwell in the tents of wickedness."
-Psalm 84:10, ESV

It is hard to imagine how one day somewhere could be better than a thousand elsewhere. Yes, a day at the Daytona 500 this weekend would be pretty amazing for me, but it wouldn't be better than the combined happiness found in a thousand days elsewhere. I cannot fathom what kind of day that would be, and odds on, you can't either. My guess is that is exactly the point. Allow me to explain.

Have you ever seen a sunset or landscape (or alley-oop dunk, for basketball fans) that left you speechless? I think back to this picture I took a few years back in Ormond Beach, Florida. As I looked out of the window at the hotel, I saw this sunset and was awestruck at the beauty: so many shades of red, orange and purple, such unique cloud structure, the whole nine yards. It was such an amazing picture, and remains one of my favorite sunset pictures to date. I was simply left speechless at the splendor of the sky.

Now, imagine a moment that you were simply stunned at something amazing. Got it? Now extend that feeling until you are picturing yourself feeling that amazed for an entire day. That, my friends, is a taste of what it will be like to be in the presence of the Lord. That is why the psalmist said that a day in His place would be better than a thousand elsewhere.

Even this seems abstract to us and is difficult to imagine. I mean, our short attention spans only allow us to be amazed for brief bursts until we've moved on down the line. Yet, in His presence, we will not be able to divert our attention away. You could have the worst case of ADHD ever recorded, and it wouldn't matter; you'd be captivated by His glory.

No wonder the psalmist said he'd be willing to be a doorkeeper (aka nobody special), standing in the elements outside at God's house than live in the safety of the "wicked's tents." He got it. He understood this sense of wonder and amazement in God. He was so enthralled in God's majesty that he would be willing to stand outside, just catching glimpses of Him when opening the door.

Are you captivated by God and His glory? Would you be willing to trade a thousand days on Earth for only one with Him?

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