Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Who Is Your Confidence In?

Ever feel like God wants you to do something, but you feel you aren't capable of doing it? Welcome to the life of Moses.

In Exodus 4, Moses claims that he is not "eloquent..because I am slow and hesitant in speech." He said this to God because God had decided that Moses needed to be a spokesman for Him before Pharaoh. Moses tried to tell God that this wasn't a great idea, but God wasn't feeling the same way. God told Moses that He was in charge, that He gives people the ability to see and hear and speak. Moses still didn't buy it, and God allowed Aaron (Moses' brother) to speak for him.

Yet, in Acts, I found an interesting passage. In the middle of a sermon on Israeli history and God's goodness, Stephen drops an interesting line:

"So Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was powerful in his speech and actions." -Acts 7:22, HCSB

Here, we have an intriguing tidbit of Moses' backstory. Before he was the "slow and hesitant speaker" in the desert, Moses had been trained in Egypt growing up, and was considered a great speaker. Moses claimed he had never been a good speaker, but he was lying. He was, in fact, a good speaker. HIs problem wasn't in his ability; his problem was where he placed his confidence.

Moses was putting his confidence in speaking in himself, and the idea of speaking before one of the most powerful people in the world will make anyone "slow and hesitant." Instead, as God tried to make him see, he should have put his confidence in God.

God makes us how we are, and gives us gifts that we can use. We may not think we have them, but if we put our faith and confidence in God, we will allow us to be able to do whatever He has called us to do.

Who are you putting your confidence in? Yourself and your skills, or the One that gave them to you?

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