Friday, February 1, 2013

END IT: Shine a Light on Slavery

Today begins the End It Movement. This movement has been started by Louie Giglio and the Passion Conferences, and will only continue for a few months. The whole deal with the movement is the goal of ending slavery.

No, I don't believe that all slavery will be eradicated over the next few months. However, this is a start. There are 27 million slaves all across the world that need the help of those of us that can help. There are 27 million slaves that need a voice, a voice that we can give them.

So I encourage you to check out and get involved. I will be tweeting and blogging about this some over the next few months, and I hope you are willing to get involved with this cause. If you are a Christian, you were once enslaved to sin and are now free. Help someone else to freedom, both physically and spiritually.

"Give me strength to tear down injustice and fight for freedom in Your name." -Judges 16:28

"Set the enslaved free." -Psalm 35

"Release those in chains." -Isaiah 6:1

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