Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Country of Day: Bulgaria

Lots of new things on this blog! Let's look at the makeover:

-The Archive has moved to the bottom of the page, so it's now easier to read.

-Just above the Archive, there's now a Music gadget. I put a few songs on there for now; more will come later.

-My contact info is now clearly presented at the top, including the new email for this blog: the freedbug@aol.com. Please talk to me!

-Biblegateway.com has a gadget for looking up Scripture, which is now also on my sidebar. It should be pretty useful.

One more new thing: in addition to the "Thoughts from the Retro Bible", each day we will also feature a "Country of the Day." Every day, I will post a country and what its religious prayer needs are. I have been working through a list of countries for a while now, praying for them and their needs, and I'd like anyone who reads to join in with me. Today is Bulgaria.

Bulgaria is about 84% Christian (83% Bulgarian Orthodox). Another 12% is Muslim, likely the effect of around 10% of the Bulgarian population being Turkish. The final 4% are other religions.

Let's pray for the Bulgarian Christians to remain strong, as they have a strong Islamic presence to combat. 12% doesn't sound like a lot, but that's over 1 out of every 10 people. My prayer is that the 84% are able to stay strong and true to the Gospel, and that the eyes of the other 16% be opened to the Truth.


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